Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 1 (29 May 2013): Breakfast and Millennium Kids Programme (Woon Yi P5/7)

Day 1 (29 May 2013): Breakfast and Millennium Kids Program - Waste Station (by Woon Yi P5/7)

After landing, we headed to Macdonalds for breakfast. The trip to Macdonalds took us about fifteen minutes. Many of us were thrilled to hear that we were going to eat at Macdonalds. However, some of the pupils were disappointed as the taste was different as compared to the ones in Singapore. After the breakfast, we headed to the Canning Resource and Recovery Centre. This was part of the Millennium Kids Program. At the Canning Resource and Recovery Centre, we were introduced to the way Perth manages their waste. The instructors, Ms Emily and Ms Maureen, told us that one of the problems that they faced was the people throw the wrong materials into the wrong recycling bins. After a tour at the Canning Resource Centre, we went to the City of South Perth Civic Centre.

In the short one hour tour in the Canning Resource and Recovery Centre, we have indeed learnt about how Perth manages her waste and the importance of waste management. The programme was very motivational and inspiring and I've learnt many new and interesting facts about waste management. We were also told to think of some ideas of how we could implement some of these things that we have learnt back in

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful day I see! Have a great time for your activities tomorrow!!
