Friday, May 31, 2013

Chemists at Work - Andrew Phang

My friends and I went to Sci Tech to learn about chemistry. The lesson was very interesting and fun as we got a chance to "play" with chemicals. Our instructor was Pete and he taught us the different types of chemicals such as bases, acids and neutrals. We learnt about the universal indicator and if we were to drip a few drops of indicator in the acid, it would turn red. If we were to drip a few drops of indicator in the alkaline, it turns purple.We did many experiments and unfortunately many of us did not have time to finish all the experiments as we have only 1 hour in the lab. Although we did not have time to finish, we enjoyed doing the experiments as it was a topic out of the textbook which we would not learn until secondary and junior college. It was an interesting experience for all of us. I hope that we will have more lessons on the same topic in the future. As some of us are very interesting and it will be a first step into the world of complicated science.

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